The North of Syros is calling us.

An exceptional hike. Another day on the northern tip of the island where we filled our lungs with oxygen, our bodies with vitality and our hearts with joy and wonder!
That day, we started from Kombos in the North: dream weather, azure blue sky with a light breeze that caressed our cheeks…

gigantic rock of black color with a bizarre shape

Filled with energy, we descended towards Lia cove along the sea along a small path where we passed by a huge rock that looks out of place in this environment. We were all intrigued by this gigantic rock of black color with a bizarre shape; the elders of the area indeed claim that it could be a meteorite which had landed there!! After photographing it in all directions, we continued our way to Lia Cove.

This path runs along the sea to the famous cove of Marmari. Needless to say that all along the way until arriving at the cove, our amazed eyes did not leave the splendid landscape that offered itself to us: a blue sea with clear water, an endless expanse where we struggled to see the horizon…..

This trail runs along the sea to the famous cove of Marmari

And it was on this marvelous cove of John the Americano that we picnicked, admiring on one side this sea so blue and so clean that makes you want to dive there and on the other side this small forest planted on the sand of this beautiful cove.

this sea so blue and so clean that makes you want to dive into it

After a half-hour stop, we took the way back, climbing slowly towards San-Michalis.
A hike that we are not ready to forget and that we will do again with renewed pleasure and enchanting wonder.